Oliver LemkeI'm a Master student of Computer Science at ETH Zürich, focusing on 3D Vision and Robotics. I am currently interning at the Boston Dynamics AI Institute under Prof. Marco Hutter and Dr. Alexander Liniger, where I work on mobile perception and 3D semantic scene understanding on robots. At ETHZ, I was part of the Computer Vision and Geometry Group headed by Prof. Dr. Marc Pollefeys, where I worked closely with Dr. Zuria Bauer, Dr. Hermann Blum, and Dr. Francis Engelmann on validating machine perception models in real-world environments. Since 2022, I've been a scholarship holder at the BMW Fastlane Scholarship. I have visited the Intelligent Personal Assistant group, and the Perception and Prediction research group under Dr. Thomas Stauner and Naveen Shankar Nagaraja. Before starting my MSc, I did my BSc at TUM in Munich, graduating summa cum laude. I wrote my Bachelor thesis on Comparison of vision-based state representation learning algorithms for reinforcement learning of robotic reaching tasks under supervision of Josip Josifovski and Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Alois Knoll. Email / Google Scholar / Github / LinkedIn / CV / Research Interests News